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How To Install Custom Wallpaper

How To Install Custom Wallpaper
7 July 2022
How To Install Custom Wallpaper

Whether you have already ordered our wallpaper or are thinking of doing so, this guide will help you when it comes to the installation.

Pasteable Vs Vinyl – Which material should you choose?

Our wallpaper is available in two different materials – paper pasteable and vinyl.

Paper pasteable wallpaper is much like conventional wallpaper as it is applied to the wall with a wallpaper paste. Vinyl, on the other hand, is a peel-back sticker material, that is stuck directly onto the wall, no paste required.

When it comes to ordering your wallpaper, you should keep in mind how the material will affect the installation. Our paper pasteable material can be moved and adjusted on the wall before the paste dries. Our vinyl material will be stuck in place immediately, so make sure you have the means to perfectly apply this material.

Wallpaper and bleed

Before we begin to install your wallpaper, it is important to understand how your wallpaper will look when it arrives. When we print our custom wallpaper, we add an additional 20mm along each edge of each roll. This means that the wallpaper that you receive will be slightly larger than your chosen size. Without this additional area, each wallpaper roll would have to be aligned perfectly each time which is incredibly difficult and likely to leave gaps between rolls. The additional area allows for overlap between the rolls, making the installation process easier.

How to install your wallpaper

First you need to prepare the wall you want to wallpaper. Make sure the wall is dust free and clear of any debris.

The next step is to make sure that the wallpaper matches up with your wall. Temporarily mount or hold the first wallpaper roll against the wall, ensuring the roll falls vertically and not on an angle, and mark where the wallpaper stops.

Marking along edge of wallpaper roll


Next to this mark, measure 40mm inwards and make a new mark. This will be the start of the next roll. Continue along your wall until you reach the end.

Remember, our wallpaper rolls come with an additional 20mm of printed area along each edge. This means that each roll will overlap each other by 40mm. Keep this in mind when measuring your wallpaper against your wall.

Marking 40mm inwards from first mark for wallpaper overlap

Now it’s time to apply your wallpaper. We have two different methods that you can use to put up your wallpaper:

The first method is to overlap your wallpaper by a total of 40mm. This is achieved by placing one wallpaper roll on top of the other, lining up the pattern at the seam. This is the easiest way to install our wallpaper, but it will leave a small ridge where the wallpaper overlaps.

Wallpaper being applied with overlap between rolls

The second method is very similar to the first method, but whilst the paste is still wet and not soaked into the paper, carefully cut a line down the middle of the 40mm overlap with a straight ruler and sharp scalpel. You can then peel back and remove the 20mm of overlap from each panel, resulting in a clean cut with each sheet meeting exactly where you trimmed. This method is more time-consuming but removes any ridges that may appear between the seams.

Trimming bleed area off wallpaper so rolls line up without overlap

Still unsure?

Applying wallpaper is no easy task. We always recommend hiring a professional to install the wallpaper for you. If you are in need of any further guidance, our team are always here to assist and can answer any questions you may have.

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