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How To Make Prints Of Your Art

How To Make Prints Of Your Art
27 July 2023
How To Make Prints Of Your Art

How To Make Prints Of Your Art

There comes a time in every artist’s career when they begin to consider how to sell art prints. Parting from your hard work and original art pieces can be tough, but it doesn’t have to be with art prints.

Art printing is a great way to produce many replicas of your artistic masterpieces to sell on your online store or in person at artist alleys. How to make prints of your art, unfortunately, isn’t as simple as turning on your home printer and printing as many copies as your heart desires, (unless, of course, you are happy to print on standard office paper!)

At Aura Print, we’ve printed art prints for over 10 years and have learned a thing or two about art paper printing. We’ve decided it’s time to pass on some of our wisdom to fellow artists and creators, with our guide on how to make prints of your art.

Christmas trees printed onto brown kraft paper

It’s Time To Get Digital

Right there, in front of you, stands your masterpiece. The greatest piece of art that you’ve created thus far in your art career. You want to share your creative talents with the world by creating art prints but there’s just one problem. Your artwork isn’t digital.

The first step towards make prints of your art, is taking your physical painting or drawing, and getting it onto your screen. Converting your artwork into digital isn’t necessarily difficult, it just requires a little time and patience to get everything looking crisp. There are two different techniques for digitizing your artwork: scanning and photographing.

Scanning Your Art Paper Printing

Scanning your art paper printing is as simple as popping your painting into your scanner and pressing scan. You’ll then have a scanned copy of your artwork available to access on your computer.

Advantages Of Scanning Disadvantages Of Scanning
Quick and easy No control over lighting
Multiple scans can be produced More time is required in the editing process
Cheaper than photography Can be difficult to get your scan to perfectly imitate the real-life image

Photographing Your Art Paper Printing

Photographing your art paper printing is the alternative method to digitizing your artwork. We recommend using as much natural lighting as possible. This way, your art photos will be a truer reflection of the real thing. If natural lighting is not possible, studio lighting is the next best thing.

Advantages Of Photographing Disadvantages Of Photographing
Much more control over the appearance of the final image Professional equipment is required to achieve the best results
Multiple photos can be produced More expensive than scanning
Less time is required in the editing process

How To Print Digital Art: Make Your Art Prints Print-Ready

Now that your artwork is in a digital format, it’s time to make some finer tweaks to get everything looking perfect before looking for the best place to print digital art.

Editing apps, like Photoshop, are great for changing the lighting, air-brushing out blemishes and marks, and cropping your artwork into shape. Learn more about editing your photos for print here.

Once happy with the final look, it’s time to get print ready. Knowing how to print digital art comes hand in hand with knowing how to get your artwork print ready. The best place to print digital art (Aura Print) will require your artwork to be set up as follows:

  • · Artwork set to the size of your paper for art prints.
  • · 2mm bleed along each edge.
  • · CMYK colors.
  • · 300dpi resolution.
Artwork guide showing requirements resolution, colour, and bleed.

Make prints of your art ready for print, and you’ll be saved plenty of time when it comes to interacting with your printers. It will also ensure that your artwork can be consistently printed at any art printing company, without having to make any additional changes down the line.

The Best Paper For Art Prints

With your artwork converted to digital and set up for print, the hard work is out of the way. It’s now time for the easy bit – deciding on the best paper for art prints.

Searching around, you’ll quickly find that there are plenty of choices for paper for art prints. From traditional cotton to modern recycled stocks, it can be hard to pick the best paper for printing digital art.

Fortunately for you, we’ve created this guide to help you to choose which paper for art prints is the best paper for art prints. Let’s have a look at our top three favorites:

G.F Smith Cotton

Our top pick for art prints is the G.F Smith cotton paper. This paper is made using recycled cotton t-shirts and adds a lovely texture to your art prints. With a warm white finish, this paper type is designed to help colours stand out, while also being great for our planet.

Tintoretto Gesso

One of our newest additions to our art paper printing range, Tintoretto Gesso is a great choice for art printing. With a noticeably textured surface and clean white colour, your artwork will stand out with this paper as a backdrop.


It’s a classic choice. Our recycled uncoated paper is one of our most popular paper types, not just for art printing but across the rest of our printing range. This pure white paper provides the perfect background for your art prints and is also easy to write on if you’re looking to sign your work.

Arrangement of blue abstract flower oil paintings

How To Sell Art Prints: Deciding The Price

With your freshly printed art prints in hand, it’s time to figure out how to sell art prints. Knowing how to sell prints of your art isn’t just about finding the right place to sell. It’s also about choosing the right price to sell at.

As your art prints are copies of an original, you’re not going to be able to fetch the same price as your original design. But you shouldn’t sell yourself short either. Finding the right price to sell art prints requires a lot of external factors. How long did it take you to create your artwork? What was the cost of your artwork supplies? Will your ideal customer be able to afford your art prints?

Factoring everything in will help you to know how to make art prints to sell at the right price.

Where To Print Art Prints

As artist prints have steadily become one of our customer favorite prints, we’ve made an entirely dedicated page for art prints. If you’re looking for where to get art prints made, then you’re in the right place with Aura Print. Our team are here to help you through each of our printing options and will show you why we have named ourselves the best place to print digital art.