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Going Gothic With Print Is Dead [Customer Spotlight]

Going Gothic With Print Is Dead [Customer Spotlight]
18 October 2023
Going Gothic With Print Is Dead [Customer Spotlight]

Going Gothic This Halloween With Print Is Dead [Customer Spotlight]

In the spirit of Halloween, this month we chatted with gothic illustrator Elyssa from Print Is Dead. A lover of all things dark and spooky, Elyssa has been printing with Aura since 2020 and has plenty advice for the budding artist thinking about getting their artwork printed.

Whether you want to know which paper to pick or if you should choose a bookmark or flyer as your next print, we’re going to cover it all, with plenty of spooky inspiration along the way.

How Did You Get Started With Illustration And What Led You To Create Print Is Dead?

“I did my degree in Graphic Design and worked in that industry for a number of years. I missed being a bit more artistic so eventually I decided I would go back to university part time for my master’s degree whilst I was still working.”

“Nottingham Trent offered a brilliant course that allowed you to focus on design and illustration, so I was able to work on my brand and illustration at the same time. Eventually Print Is Dead was born!”

What Is Your Main Inspiration When Making Your Designs?

“It could honestly be anything that sparks an initial idea, whether it’s a song or something I’ve seen at an exhibition.”

Elyssa explains that mythology is a huge inspiration to her work. “I’m also really interested in mythology and folklore so that definitely features heavily in my work. I have quite a big collection of books on folklore from around the world, so that’s my go to when I’m hunting for ideas.”

Red dragon bookmark on open book

Do You Have Any Signature Techniques Or Imagery That You Like To Frequently Include In Your Work?

“I mostly work digitally now in Procreate and Photoshop, but I started out drawing in pen and ink. I have kept working in that style, even though I mostly work in a digital format now.”

“I often use dark and rich colour palettes,” Elyssa continues, “I think that’s probably a signature look for my work now. I do enjoy mixing it up too with unexpected colours or just going classic black and white.”

“I’d say my go to themes are bones, skulls, and botanicals, these are my favourite things to draw. I like to think my work is very much ‘pretty goth’.”

How Has It Been Working As A Designer In The Last Few Years?

“It’s definitely been a strange few years with Covid in the mix. Back when that started, I was still working full time and running Print Is Dead in the background,” Elyssa explains, “but with everyone embracing online shopping during that time, the business really took off. This ultimately led me to the decision to go full time with Print Is Dead and I’ve not really looked back since!”

“I still get to enjoy working on commercial projects alongside the shop side of my business. I’ve had some amazing projects over the last few years – from branding, album artwork, book covers, I’m even working on a whole tarot deck at the moment. I’ve loved that through my own work and style, I now exclusively work on projects that fit my vibe.”

2 skeleton hands holding pinky fingers

How Do You Get Prepared For The Halloween Season?

“Honestly, I always wish I was more prepared for the season,” says Elyssa. “October all the way through to December tends to just go by in a flash and it can be tricky trying to balance the workload. It’s a bit boring, but the main thing I need to do is make sure I have lots of stock ready for all the events I’m attending.”

“Other than that, you’re always working one season behind. I’m used to that having worked in graphic design and marketing for a while but it’s still a bit strange when you’re trying to work on dark and spooky things during the summer months and Christmas in September.”

Do You Have A Favourite Product That You Like To Print With Aura Print?

“My favourites are definitely the art prints and bookmarks; they’re both really high quality and I love the fact that I can print multiple designs in the same order too.”

Elyssa explains that working from home doesn’t leave much room for art prints. “I work out of my living room so I don’t have a huge space for keeping lots of stock. Being able to order a few of each design makes such a huge difference for small businesses like mine.”

“My other favourite is actually the printed sheets I use when packaging prints. I have a printed sheet with all my business details that I just get printed on a recycled stock. For something that is more of a throwaway item, the number of people who love the quality and actually frame it is so nice.”

How Do You Choose The Right Paper Type For Your Prints?

“I was so excited to find out that Colorplan was an option, I think it’s what might have originally led me to use Aura Print in the first place. It’s a really beautiful textured paper that’s perfect for my black and white prints.”

“There’s also loads of different colour options with this paper. I keep wanting to print on some different coloured paper stocks (definitely a future plan), but I have one print [Aura Print] do for me which is black print on a dark grey which I absolutely love.”

Colorplan Dark Grey With Black Skull Print

Has There Been A Particular Print That Has Been Very Popular With Your Followers / Customers?

“I think my audience must be all very romantic because it must be my Skeleton Pinky Promise. I love that it’s been gifted for things like wedding, anniversaries, and Valentines Day.”

“As we approach spooky season though it has to be my Vampire Castle. This is where the quality of Aura Print really shines because it features a large area of black that is always printed perfectly. From experience using other printers, this would usually be a pain and the black would look patchy. [With Aura Print] the print is solid black, exactly the same as my artwork.”

After Consistently Using Aura Print, What Do You Think Sets Us Apart From Other Printers?

“I would have to say the overall quality and options available. The number of times someone picks up a bookmark at an event and comments on the high quality of the print and finish let’s me know that it’s a great product.”

“The quality on the print for my digital prints is also outstanding. There’s a slight sheen to the ink that I’ve never seen before, it really makes the prints feel so much more special, especially when you’re using a beautiful paper like Colorplan.”

Illustrated castle with full moon and bats

And Finally, Where Can Your Customers Go To Buy Your Artwork? Is It Purely Online Or Do You Attend Artist Shows?

“I have an online shop at www.printisdead.co.uk but I also attend as many events as I can.”

Speaking on events, Elyssa gives us a rundown of a handful of conventions she attends. “I do a fair few small goth, witchy and alternative markets. I even run my own [event] in Nottingham – The Dark Arts Market – alongside a friend and fellow business. This year I will be at the Wales Comic Con Telford Takeover in November and MCM in Birmingham in December.”

Want To Get Kickstarted With Your Own Art Prints?

Wanting to print your own illustrations? Then you’re in the right place with Aura Print. Whether you create the dark and gothic like Print Is Dead or something a little more sunshine and rainbows, we have the print options for you. Check out our paper sample pack to get your hands on our complete range of illustrator paper types.

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