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Aura Print Fundraiser: Rowing the Monster Loch

Posted in Charity And Community on 31 October 2022

Aura Print Fundraiser: Rowing the Monster Loch

Way back in 2011, long before the world shut down and descended into Covid chaos, a brave team of digital printers set out on a perilous journey to the Scottish Highlands where they would defeat the world-renowned Monster Loch: Loch Ness.

2011 Loch Ness team photo

Loch Ness Version 2.0

Over a decade later and with a bigger, stronger, and more determined team in tow, we’ll be untying our Canadian Canoes and donning our personal flotation devices once again, this time setting sail in support of West Yorkshire’s incredible 'The Howarth Foundation'.

Our 2023 Loch Ness team will include staff from all areas of Aura Print, from our Singing Customer Service Advisor to our Mountaineering Marketer, alongside members of The Howarth Foundation, friends, family & business associates of Aura Print.

Not only are the adults of Aura Print taking on this momentous challenge, but Millie Smith, daughter of Aura’s captain Liam Smith, will be joining the expedition and rowing 54 miles at just 14 years old! A keen runner who managed to cycle 60+ miles from Huddersfield to Liverpool at just 10 years old, we have no doubts that Millie will be taking her dad’s captain hat and leading the crew.

Together, our team will hit the A9 Northbound on Friday 23rd June, rowing 54 miles over the following 2 days, and having feet back on Yorkshire soil on Monday 26th June. With each rower towing 3 night’s accommodation in their canoes, we’ll be packing light and pitching our tents along the way, undoubtedly saving a bit of space for an evening tipple.

2023 Aura Print cartoon team

The Game Plan

Look, we’re a print business, our comfort zone is our mill, complete with solid ground, electricity, and plumbing. Over the next six months, our team will be building their biceps, getting out on the water, and rowing until our arms are no longer able to load paper into our printers.

We’ll be securing our canoe fleet, along with expert Loch Ness guides who will ensure the safety and overall preparedness of our team. Car-shares will be organised, packing lists compiled, rowers recruited, and fundraising pushed. No stone will be left unturned.

While some of us are out of office re-living the Scout days that never were, the rest of our team will be doing the truly honourable job– holding down the Aura fort, ensuring no job is left unprinted.

With around 12 rowers recruited already, if YOU want to join our charity row, please get in-touch with us; we’re aiming for 20 sailors by the time we cast off in June. Another reason to join the expedition? We’re awesome and you’re guaranteed a great adventure. Modest, I know.

The Howarth Foundation: Securing Meaningful Employment for Individuals who have Faced Homelessness

As a proud member of The Howarth Foundation’s ‘Business Building Futures’ initiative, as a business we’ve been honoured to support The Howarth Foundation and their mission to find suitable roles for clients who are ready for reintegration.

As a local charity whose work is crucial to those who are too easy forgotten, The Howarth Foundation work to provide a Private Sector solution to a Public Sector problem, supporting the homeless, recently re-housed, those fleeing domestic violence, sofa surfing or in unsuitable or unsafe accommodation into full or part time employment or training.

One at a time and step-by-step, The Howarth Foundation changes lives, which is something we’re immensely proud to get behind.

To learn more about The Howarth Foundation and to discover inspiring real-life case studies and success stories, head over to their website today.

In the meantime, you’ll find us in one of two places: on the trusty old rowing machine or in a canoe at Pugneys Country Park, trying our hardest not to capsize.

Aura Print office staff image

How do I donate, you ask? Head over to our GoFundMe to donate - we’ll be updating this regularly with undoubtedly embarrassing training montages and progress updates. Please give what you can, share your support or join our team, it’s beyond worthwhile.

Oh, and while we’ve got you, don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Instagram to keep our updates at your fingertips.

Zoey Gilbert

With almost a decade specialising in print, Zoey has honed her skills in analogue print and film developing, photographic print, and commercial print. Utilising her flair for marketing and creative writing, you'll find Zoey writing about all things print!