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Waterproof Flyers Wipe Clean For Covid Safety

Waterproof Flyers Wipe Clean For Covid Safety
16 December 2020
Waterproof Flyers Wipe Clean For Covid Safety

Flyers Are Easily Sanitised For Covid Safety

Our selection of waterproof flyers are strong and reusable, standing the test of time. Wipeable flyers are specifically designed to be wiped clean of dirt, bacteria and viruses. They play a crucial role in reducing the transfer of covid germs in the health and leisure industries. For example, waterproof menus can be sanitized to keep customers and staff covid safe. 

We have two types of strong wipeable flyers which are unaffected by harsh cleaning products. Read on to see their differences and benefits.

Holding restaurant menuLaminated Flyers With A Choice Of Finish

Choose from a matt, gloss or soft touch finish to enhance your branding, while also making your flyer wipeable for easy cleaning. The velvety feel of our soft touch laminate is popular with modern luxury restaurants, pubs and wine bars.

Like our matt laminate, the soft touch finish is ideal for text heavy designs because it does not reflect the light and cause reading discomfort. Gloss laminate is the best choice for image-based flyers to add vibrancy to your designs.

Laminated flyers are resistant to oils and liquids and can be easily wiped clean of covid germs. The lamination doesn’t affect the paper recycling process, making them the best choice for wipeable flyers that can be recycled. However, if they were submerged in liquid, the flyers may suffer from water ingress in the corners. 

coffee spilt onto white plasticNevertear Flyer And Leaflet Printing 

Our nevertear flyers are made from a highly developed bright white polyester. The matt printing material is what makes these waterproof flyers so strong and long lasting.

They are tear proof and completely unaffected by liquids and oils, even if they are submerged in water. In fact, nevertear flyers can be regularly put in dishwashers for a thorough deep clean. No wonder we are so popular with restaurants for wine list and menu printing!

Now we know the differences between the two types of wipeable flyers, let's look at why we should use them. Here are the top three benefits of nevertear and laminated flyer printing.

holding and looking at small menu1 Easy To Clean For Covid Safety

It is easy to sanitize wipeable flyers to keep your workplace safe and hygienic. Covid risk assessments show that everything someone touches needs to be sanitized. Even if people sanitize their hands upon entry, they could still breath germs onto your printed materials when they are reading it. Therefore, sterilising your leaflets helps to reduce bacteria and viruses spreading.

Sanitising items such as food menus, treatment leaflets and cocktail lists ensures that you are compliant with government guidelines. It is fundamental to keeping you, your staff and your customers covid safe. Significantly reducing the risk of covid affecting your business.

Although paper copies can be thrown away, bacteria and viruses could still be transmitted between staff and customers. Another benefit of choosing reusable laminated leaflets is that it reduces the amount of deliveries into your business. This helps to protect you from germs coming into your business from boxes that delivery company employees have touched. 

Distributing flyers outdoors2 Resistant To Damage

Waterproof flyers were originally invented to eliminate damage caused by the paper soaking up the rain or stained by drinks, sauces, oils or any other liquid.

With laminated flyers or nevertear leaflets, the water runs off the protective material, so it remains rigid. Whereas unlaminated paper breaks and falls apart once it has absorbed water.

Their resilience made them a popular choice for outdoor events where they might be subjected to the rain or carelessly stuffed in a bag to take home.

Laminated flyers are sturdy and resistant to damage. Whichever luxury laminate you choose for your custom flyers, they will be protected from scratches, water damage and stains.

They are not damaged by fingerprint marks and any dirt can be easily cleaned off. This makes them ideal for vouchers, beer tokens, entry tickets, pricelists and menus.

man looking at wine list3 Long Life and Reusability

Nevertear flyers last longer than any other type of flyer, helping you to get the most out of your flyering campaign. Nevertear flyers are tearproof with a long lifespan means that they can be reused again and again.

Usually, detergents and disinfectants are known for breaking down coatings and wearing away surfaces. However, our nevertear flyers are unaffected by harsh cleaning chemicals making them perfect for frequently touched menus and drinks lists.

Frequently touched pricelists are quick to wipe clean with disinfectant. They can last for years, even if restaurants put their nevertear menus through the dishwasher for a thorough deep clean.


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