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Five ways to boost your marketing efforts with print

Five ways to boost your marketing efforts with print
26 October 2017
Five ways to boost your marketing efforts with print

Five ways to boost your marketing efforts with print

In a world consumed by digital media, it may appear that the necessity of print media in marketing has diminished. Many of the latest advertising campaigns are promoted through popular sites such as YouTube, Facebook and Twitter. However, don’t let this put you off from print marketing – it's still a significant tool for any marketing campaign.

Print has a wealth of benefits, such as its effectiveness at events and how it reinforces the quality of your brand and products. Here are five different ways you can use print to stand out from the crowd, get people's attention, and communicate effectively.

Loyalty cards

Chances are, at some point in time, you’ve received a loyalty card for a purchase you’ve made. It’s a verified method of customer retention and increased sales, as the buyer is incentivised to return. A loyalty card scheme is simple to execute and recovers more than the costs required to run the offer.

Printed loyalty cards also improve the reach your business has within the market, thanks to the attention word of mouth advertising attracts. One of the best strategies available is to offer a free or discounted product after a certain amount has been purchased.

You’ll need to begin with an 85x55mm business card – choosing the specifications which best suit your needs. A design that allows for a certain number of stamps and an explanation of the terms will be needed – and you might want a double-sided design to give one side to your logo, and one to the T&Cs. If you need any advice on what to include, our design team would be happy to help!

Trade exhibitions

Showcasing your services to the entire industry is a great tool to network with others and generate potential business. Trade shows present the opportunity for you to understand how competing businesses operate, which can help to develop and strengthen your brand.

There are a few bits of print you’ll need to have before attending a trade event. A fantastic one is the pull-up banner. These are easily stored and transported, making them a perfect item to accompany you to a show. It’s not something you’ll have to replace every other week, so their longevity provides excellent value for money. The zeta stand is one of the most popular options available right now.

Business cards are more than just contact details and a brand logo. They also create an initial impression of your business, which is paramount in securing new clients. It’s important to leave potential customers with a positive view of your organisation – and a business card created correctly can create a fantastic sense of professionalism.

Product brochures

Brochures hold a large amount of information, more than any other type of print. This makes them perfectly suited for detailed descriptions of your products and your company mission.

Brochures are also a versatile type of print. They can be handed out, mailed or paired with branded stationery such as pens, notepads and bags. Brochures are also designed to be referred to numerous times - meaning that your potential customers will always have you in mind.

There are a few options available for you to consider. Stitched brochures are the most cost-effective method – the pages are held into place with staples in the middle. Wirobound books are held with metal wires and perfect bound replicates the same high-quality look as a glossy magazine – a neat spine without the wires or stapling.

A printed brochure has many benefits over its online counterpart. Have a look at this blog article we’ve written to find out more!


Signs are extremely versatile as they can be used to support various purposes. For example, you can use this as an advertising board to display products, limited-time offers or location. Correx is great for temporary indoor or outdoor use, Foamex for indoor application, and aluminium for outdoor displays.

Alternatively, a vinyl banner can fill in for a panel. It’s a cost-effective short or long-term solution for signage – whether indoor or out. A banner is one of the most versatile pieces out there, so don't hesitate to ask us if you need any guidance. We’ve also come up with some great uses for outdoor banners!

Direct mail campaign

The purpose of a flyer, or leaflet, is to advertise and inform a target audience. A business such as a restaurant uses leaflets as a menu, to describe the dishes they have available to their consumers. An individual may use these for an RSVP.

For the marketer, a flyer is great at supporting a direct mail campaign. There’s a greater chance for your audience to read what you can provide if it’s addressed, rather than a carbon copy mailout.

For the extra edge, uniquely tailor the content of the mail to meet the requirements of the audience. It will take time, though it shows your clients that you’re interested in supplying what they demand.

A fitting example of this comes from a vehicle manufacturer. They’ll send flyers to those on their mailing list – based on the details they have on the audience. For example, marketing vans to tradesmen, people carriers to families and hot hatches at city drivers. This is more likely to generate a sale.