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+1 (855) 907 6769

9.00am - 5.30pm

Grand Opening Flyers And Leaflet Printing

  • Grand opening invitation for openings of businesses, institutions and more
  • Capture the spirit of your new business with our range of luxury stocks
  • In-house design assistance with quick turnaround times is available

Our grand opening flyer and leaflet printing service is perfect for making your business’s debut a resounding success. Our flyers are the ideal way to spread the word about your grand opening, whether you’re a chic new restaurant or a boutique store ready to make a splash in the community.

Creating the perfect grand opening flyer can be the key to attracting a diverse crowd. We understand the importance of first impressions. So, to that end, we only use the best printing equipment and techniques, the finest paper stocks and embellishments all created by incredibly experienced print technicians.

Perfect For Restaurateurs

For restaurants planning a grand opening, the flyer is an indispensable tool. It’s the first taste (pun intended) that patrons get of your establishment, and with our printing services, you can ensure it’s as delectable as the cuisine you serve. We’ll work with you to capture the atmospheric essence of your restaurant, creating a restaurant grand opening flyer that’s as unique and inviting as your menu – which we can also print!

Should you require it, our design assistance service is here to guide you through the process of creating a flyer that’s tailored to your vision. We believe that your grand opening flyer should reflect your brand’s identity, and our team is dedicated to helping you achieve that. With our expertise, your grand opening flyer template will come to life, engaging potential customers, and setting the stage for a successful launch.

The Best Materials In The Business

Our printing services are designed to be as vibrant and dynamic as your upcoming event. We use only the highest quality materials and printing techniques to ensure that your grand opening flyers look professional and eye-catching. Whether you’re distributing them on the street or sending them out in the mail, our flyers are crafted to stand out and make a lasting impression.

At Aura Print, we’re committed to helping you celebrate your new venture in style. Our grand opening flyer and leaflet printing services are just the beginning of what we hope will be a long and successful partnership. Let us help you announce your arrival with a bang and watch as the community comes together to welcome you with open arms. Welcome to the start of something great – let’s make it unforgettable!

1 Day Turnaround Icon

Dispatched in as little as 1 working day from proof approval using 1-3 day delivery.

Quality Checked Icon

All print finished, quality checked and packaged in house.

Worksmanship Guarantee Icon

We confidently back this with our 100% workmanship guarantee.

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We're here to help you out with any questions. Just get in touch.

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Artwork Requirements

The Basics

Allow 0.08" (2mm) of bleed around all artwork for cutting tolerances.

Format all artwork to CMYK.

Set your resolution to a minimum of 300DPI.

Supply your artwork in PDF, JPG or fully packaged AI formats.

Keep all text, logos and foreground images within a 0.1" (3mm) safe zone from the cut edge.

Metallic Foil & Spot UV Products

Separate all foil elements from CMYK artwork, place foil elements on a separate page, and supply as 100% K (black). See our helpful guide about how to supply artwork for foil printing.

Die Cut Or Kiss Cut (Shaped) Products Including Stickers

Indicate cut lines using a 1pt magenta line on a separate layer or separate page. See our helpful guide about how to supply artwork for die/kiss cutting.

Folded, Perforated or Drilled Products

Indicate any crease lines, perforation lines or drill holes using a 1pt magenta line on a separate layer or separate page.

Spot Colors

Supply your artwork as CMYK + 1 Spot Color. See our helpful guide about how to supply artwork for spot color printing.

Name your spot color layer with the color you've chosen, for example 'gold' or 'silver'.


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Click the icon above to download our PDF template including all available sizes.

Sample Packs

Sample Packs