Writing A Foil Design Brief
Shimmering and shining, our metallic foil print designs are something to behold. We don’t blame you for being tempted to try out this magical finish for your bookmarks and invitations. But there’s just one tiny little problem. You’re not sure how to design for foil printing.
That’s ok! We understand that not everyone can be a foil printing expert, which is why we have our own team of professionals to give you a hand. Our in-house studio can create your design for you, saving you the hassle and heartache of learning how to set up foil artwork for print. All they need from you is your foil design brief.
How The Foil Design Service Works
For each of our foiled products, there’s the option to select “supply brief and we design” in the artwork tab. In case you’re unsure, it’s the little pencil and ruler button on the right. After your order is placed, you’ll be sent an email from us prompting you to send over your artwork files. This is where you’ll send us your design brief.
Foil design brief emailed over, all you then need to do is sit back and wait as our designers get to work. You’ll receive a digital proof of your foil print design within 1 working day of sending over your foil brief.
The Aura Print designers are a friendly bunch, so don’t be afraid to let them know of any changes you might want to make. Amendments and revisions are included in our design service, just let your designer know what you’d like to be altered and they’ll do it for you.
Then, all that's left is to approve your foil design for production. That’s it!

What To Include In Your Foil Print Design Brief
Designing for foil is different from regular printing. The foiling process is split into print and foil, so it makes sense that artwork also needs splitting into print and foil. Our team needs details about your foiled and printed designs to help bring everything together.
Of course, we can’t cover every possible thing to include in a design brief. Everyone reading this will have a completely different foil print design in mind. Instead, we’ll cover the things that our designers will be looking for when reading your brief.
Already Got Artwork? Let Us See It!
Already got yourself a piece of artwork that you want to split for foil? Send it over in your design brief.
The team can then use that either directly or as a reference to build from for your foil print design. Tell our designers the parts you want to be foiled, the parts you want to be printed, and any other adjustments you want to be made.
Be aware that the foil printing process requires a different set-up compared to standard prints. Our team therefore may need to alter parts of your existing design to be more suitable. They’ll let you know what needs to be changed when sending over your digital proof.
Seen Something You Like? We Want It!
Maybe you don’t already have a design, but you have seen one you like. We love seeing your foil print design inspiration. It gives our creative crew a real look into your mind. What do you like? What don’t you like? All this will help our artworkers to get a better understanding of you and your design.
If you don’t have a copy of a design you like but still know what kind of style you want then tell us. The team are all ears to different types of design, from the ultra-modern to the retro and rustic. You name it, they can create it.
It can also be useful for the design department to see some examples of work you may have already printed or have up on your website. This helps the team to get a feel for your brand and the type of art direction they should take when making your foil print design.
Don’t Forget Your Logo!
The number one thing that tends to be missing from a foil print design brief is the logo! A brief will mention the use of a logo but when our team go searching for it, it’s nowhere to be found.
If you’d like specific logos and images to be used for your design, make sure that they’re attached to your design brief email. Also, let our team know where you want your logo to be featured on your design. Is it to be large in the front of your foiled business card or a smaller header to your foiled letterheads? The more details you include the better.
Include All The Details, Yes, All Of Them
Our design team can’t say it enough, they want to know as much as possible about your foil print design.
Sending over your written information and nothing else gives the designers little to work from. Let our team know the types of designs you like, how you want your text to be laid out, what colors you like, and what type of fonts you like. Anything that can help the studio breathe some life into your foil print design needs to be in your foil brief somewhere.
If you think something is irrelevant, send it over anyway. What’s the worst that can happen? It might just put a smile on your designer’s face!

Think About The Print You Are Ordering
This might seem straightforward, but the studio has read countless foil briefs that do not match the product that has been ordered.
Whether that’s with details missing for the reverse of a double sided print or no mention of what is to be foiled on foil greeting cards, make sure your design brief can be used on the product you’ve chosen.
Here is a simple checklist to use to make sure your brief compliments your order:
- Have I selected foil? My brief should mention foiling.
- Have I selected print? My brief should mention a printed area.
- Have I selected double sided? My brief should mention the front and the back.
- Have I chosen 2 different foil colors? My brief should clearly show what is to be in which foil color.
- Have I chosen a paper that cannot be printed on? My brief should mention foil only.
Examples Of Foil Print Design Briefs
Here are some examples of design briefs to help you when writing your own.
Updating An Existing Beauty Business Card Design
Hello Aura Print. I want to update my current business card design to include rose gold foil. I have attached a photo of my business cards and my logo. Can you make it so that the logo is in the foil and also the words “Beauty by Sarah” underneath. Keep the grey marble background from before and change the rest of the text to be white, I think that will stand out better.
Using A Little Inspiration For Foiled Wedding Invites
Me and my fiancé Jacob are getting married this summer and want some foiled invitations to send to our guests. Please include this text, all in foil:
Hannah and Jacob are getting married. Saturday 16th August. Saint Alberts Church followed by an evening reception at Hollows Hall Hotel and Gardens. The ceremony begins at 1 pm. Please RSVP to Hannah before 12th June.
We really like those wedding invitations with the pressed flowers on them. I’d like for the background to be white or pale cream in color, whichever you think would be best to compliment the gold foil and the flowers. The flowers need to be pink or peach to match our color scheme.
Designing Foiled Greeting Cards From Scratch
I’m thinking about making some Christmas cards to send to my family this year and like the idea of red foil. I want the cards to say “Merry Christmas from the Hartfield family” in a Christmas font with the attached photo underneath. For the print, I don’t have anything particular in mind, just something fun and colorful that the kids will enjoy. Can it include a Santa somewhere with foil on him? That would be fun.
Want To Know How To Design For Foil Printing? Get In Touch
The Aura Print graphic designers are ready and waiting for your foil print design brief. If you’d like some help splitting your artwork for foiling or want something completely new making from scratch, get in touch with our studio today.
Unsure of which paper type and finish to choose for your designs? Check out our complete paper-type guide or give us a call for an expert recommendation.