Combat Boredom With Summer Match Cards
Despite the weather here in the UK, the summer holidays are finally upon us, which means it’s now time to start thinking of ways to keep your kids occupied through these sunny months. With plenty more time on their hands, it’s not going to take long before the novelty of the summer holiday wears off and for your children to become bored. No doubt this summer, you parents are bound to hear the dreaded words “I’m booorrred”, which is something that no parent wishes to hear from their kids. But worry not, something as simple as a good set of playing cards can be the answer to your prayers.
Here at Aura Print, we sympathize with parents attempting to keep their children busy this summer. We know that the summer holidays can often be a challenging time to think of new, exciting ideas to entertain your children. This is why we have decided to create and release match playing cards that your children can play with this summer.
Our colourful, summer-themed playing cards are bound to be enjoyed by your young children and keep them playing for hours on end. The beauty of games such as these is they can help to develop a child’s social skills and encourage face to face interaction rather than vying for screen-time, which is all too common nowadays (yes, I’m over 40…)
Our Summer Match Cards
Within our decks of summer-themed cards, you will find 40 illustrated cards, each with a picture of a different item commonly found in the summertime. From beach balls to ice cream, your children will instantly recognize each image as something to be seen in the sun. Each card has a corresponding twin card, making 20 pairs of cards within the deck.
These summer playing cards are tucked within their own custom playing card box, keeping them safe and protected when not in use. We’ve made sure that our cards are as child friendly as possible, with a matt lamination to provide a layer of protection, a rounded corner to reduce any sharp edges, and a small card size to be easily held in small hands. Of course, if you wanted to go “one further” so to speak, you could always have a look at our plastic playing cards, that are waterproof (which might be better for the British weather!)

Ways to Play With Our Summer Match Cards
The beauty of summer match cards is that there is a plethora of ways they can be played with, in fact, we’ve created three different games to play with our creative decks as a start.
Snap is a true boredom buster that you will have probably played with your children before. Simply divide the deck equally between the number of players. Then, take it in turns to play a card in the middle. If the played card matches the previous card underneath shout “SNAP!” and claim your cards. Be careful, as other players also have the opportunity to claim the cards, so you need to be lightning quick. The game finishes when there are no more cards to play and the player with the most claimed cards wins.
Why not use our summer match cards to test your child’s memory? Lay out each of the 40 cards face down on a flat surface. Turn over a chosen card and try to find the other card that matches. If the second card doesn’t match, turn both cards back over and continue trying to find matches. If the cards do match, take both cards as prize. The game ends when all the cards have been matched and the winner is the player with the most matching cards claimed.

This deck can even be adapted to play red queen, or in this case, avoid the seagull. Before starting the game, remove one of the seagull cards from the deck and put it back inside the box. Then, deal out the remaining cards equally between all players. Fan out the cards in your hand, without letting the other players see, and take a card from the next player to the right.
If this new card matches a card already in your hand, put them down as a pair. If it doesn’t match, continue the rotation with the next player taking a card. The game continues until all cards have been matched and the loser is left with the lonely seagull. The winner is the player with the most paired cards.
Educational Fun and Simplicity
Card games have long been a favourite pastime for many people all over the globe. From children to pensioners and everyone in between, card games can bring families together, they can help little ones practice their maths and understand the concept of fair play, which can only be better than staring at a faceless TV screen for hours. So whether you want to try our summer match cards, or any other versions of cards like a fun set of educational flash cards, we can print something for you that could bring hours of fun to you and your family.
Our summer match card promotion has now ended, but keep your eyes peeled for upcoming promotions and freebies on our website!